Symfony live 2022

Peaks at Symfony Live 2022

After several editions, exclusively online, three Peaks consultants had the chance to participate in the return of Symfony live in person for this 2022 edition. Happy to meet their colleagues in the flesh and the very accessible members of the Symfony Core Team . Big up to them and in particular to Fabien Potencier.

A look back at these two days of Symfony Live 2022 by Luc and Mohammed consultants @Peaks

Peaks represented by Luc, El Hadaoui and Mohamed at Symfony Live 2022

The ''Opening Keynote'', produced by Fabien Potencier.

 A simple bug that appeared on will lead to version 4 (this will not be its final name) of Twig! We were able to understand Fabien's thought process. Symfony 6.2 Twig becomes a component to make it evolve more frequently, so it takes the name of… …Twig 6.2! Its better integration with the “core” will allow more regular cycles of “releases”. A very good conference.

How to dynamically validate data by Marion Hurteau.

A good reminder about Symfony validators and custom validators. 

Doctrine Typed objects and JSON columns by Grégoire Pineau.

Grégoire Pineau, member of the JoliCode team, made a presentation of the issues related to Doctrine and the typed objects of PHP. He presented a concrete case: A flexible CMS developed internally at JoliCode which contains a back-office with an interactive interface which allows you to configure and position the different blocks (Image, Text, etc.) of a web page. He asks the question: How to store these blocks in a database while avoiding code duplication and with a high-performance system? After exposing the disadvantages of some solutions like doctrine inheritance, storing serialized PHP and storing serialized PHP in JSON.

He presented the solution he implemented and which has been deployed in PROD for 2 years. This solution is based on the Customs Doctrine Types. The slides are worth the detour and can be consulted on this link: The solution is not easy to develop. To help DEVs who want to challenge themselves on this subject, Grégoire has shared some sources on github:

Do you really know JWT? by Karim Pinchon

A reminder on the Json Web Token (JWT) is always welcome, especially since use cases and potential flaws have been presented to us. In conclusion, it is better to use quality external libraries than to try to reinvent the wheel.

Unknown Symfony components that are worth the detour by Alexandre Dubois

First, the Intl, String, translation, FileSystem and OptionResolver components are reviewed with a focus on the use of OptionResolver which is much more powerful than PHP's native “array_replace()” function and very easy use.

In Search of Lost Time by Jérôme Vieilledent

Philosophical conference on our relationship to time. 

Did you say Symfony 6.1? by Nicholas Grekas

A good feedback on the Symfony release cycle and how the modifications made by the community are incorporated (nearly 9000 contributors!). 

Hexagonal architecture, end of theory, we move on to practice! With Etienne Lebarillier

Thanks to his presentation, I will better understand this design pattern and even apply it in a concrete case...

Asynchronous code in a synchronous Symfony application by Jérôme Tamarelle

Practical cases with the Téléloisir application which uses asynchronous to fill in the pages of their site. Very instructive, especially for sites that have a front in VueJs, React or Angular… Thanks to the use of components.

Managing permissions in Symfony by Marion Agé

A good reminder on the “Security” component. This is an interesting point, because it is widely used and has evolved recently.

Develop a decentralized web application with Symfony and Api Platform by Kévin Dunglas

The observation is an awareness that web traffic is monopolized by a minority of companies, the GAFAM. The risk of being censored is therefore great, we must return to a decentralized Web where, as originally (Web 1.0), anyone can publish. The WEB3.0 initiative, not to be confused with WEB3, is presented.

An SSO with Keycloak and Symfony by Laurent Voullemer

A very complete presentation of the “Keycloak” software and its possibilities as SSO (very interesting).

On the front line: Symfony and open source at the service of society by Titouan Galopin

The world has been through many crises lately (covid, war in Ukraine…). Titouan proposed with his team during the covid crisis and during the war in Ukraine sites made in Symfony and opensource. He proposes to create a citizen reserve of developers ready to create applications intended to quickly help civilians in the event of a major crisis.

To sum up, two exceptional days of conferences, training and exchanges.  

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